SUSTAINABILITY SPOTLIGHT: Cycling fights climate change!

MCS Sustainability Committee
After half a month of Earth Day celebrations, the MCS Cycling Group, with the partnership of the MCS Sustainability Committee, prolongs the festivities with a series of cycling events:

A group of people riding bicyclesDescription automatically generated
NOT TO BE MISSED: May 8th is the national Walk, Bike and Roll to School Day!! Don’t miss the MCS Bike Bus on that day. If you are to attend the bike bus only once in the year, that’s the one!

Caregivers who do not yet have a CitiBike membership can receive a free 24-hour pass (or a discount to access an e-bike) upon registration.

All participants must register by Monday, May 6th, 2024. Upper School students can join unsupervised. 
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Join South Bronx Unite, co-founded by Mychal Johnson, current MCS parent, and explore how community gardeners in the South Bronx use green spaces for healing, education, and fighting toxic industries. 
Date/time: Sunday, May 18th, from 11 am through 2 pm.
Meeting location: La Finca del Sur, 110 East 138th street.
More info and registrations: click here

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A new partnership was developed with Bike New York to get two workshops organized back-to-back on Sunday, May 19th, on the Hudson River Greenway, at 158th street. Registrations are required and are accepted on a first come, first served basis, so please don’t wait, REGISTER NOW!
Here is the program:
  1. From 9 to 11am, the first workshop will bring together kids 5 years and up who are ready to ditch their training wheels and ride a two-wheeler for the first time.
    Course description: Bike Skills 101
  2. From 11 am to 12 noon, MCS families will have a picnic in the adjacent recreation area.
  3. From 12 to 3pm, the second workshop is reserved for kids 10 years and up, and grown-ups, who have either recently learned how to ride a bike or who want to improve their core cycling skills.
    Course description: Bike Skills 201
Through this partnership, we are hoping to put more MCS students (and parents 😉) on two wheels, to share the joy of cycling, and to enable more MCS community members to take part in the MCS Bike Bus!

The MCS Bike Swap is still ongoing! After a first raffle earlier this week, a second raffle will be conducted on May 13th, enabling more MCS students to receive a free bike in time for the May 19th learn-to-bike workshop! It is not required to donate a bike to participate, but please reach out to the cycling group if your kid has outgrown a bike you’d like to donate to the swap!A screenshot of a phoneDescription automatically generated

After a very insightful film screening of the documentary “Microplastic Madness”, a presentation to the Lower School Earth Day Assembly and a cheerful clothing swap earlier in April, the MCS Sustainability Committee continued its Earth Day celebrations with two more events this past week:A collage of people in a roomDescription automatically generated

The MCS Sustainability Committee’s Zero Waste Workshop was a huge success! Here are some additional resources to embark on a zero waste journey:

This workshop is the first in a series. If you want to have a say in what will be presented at the next workshop,  take this poll.

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A Parent-Led Forum (PLF) was presented jointly by the Sustainability Committee and the Racial Justice Committee bringing together authoritative guest experts exploring how the three pillars of the school, namely Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Social Justice & Activism, as well as Farm-Based Education & Sustainability, intersect. The event was a success, with a number of in-person attendees and remote participants joining in to touch upon how racial justice, social justice and environmental justice and closely intertwined and should be addressed in tandem, rather than in isolation.
To learn more about this topic:
- Access the recording of the event.
- Review a bibliographical selection by the organizers:
- Access the event’s photo album

Anyone in the MCS community can join the Sustainability Committee!
If you are a parent, guardian, faculty or staff member and are interested in joining us email us at:
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